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Commercial Umbrella Insurance in Northwest Phoenix, Surprise, Peoria, Glendale, Wickenburg, Avondale, and Goodyear AZ

Run Your Business Confidently With Business Umbrella Insurance

One of the smartest financial decisions you can make as a business owner is keeping your business insured. A commercial umbrella or at a minimum an excess liability insurance policy is a must for consideration, as it offers an added layer of protection that will ensure that your business has an additional layer of liability protection over the underlying liability coverage for your commercial general liability, workers compensation, business auto, cyber liability, and employment liability coverage (providing you have these underlying coverages and meet the minimum threshold to trigger coverage). Ideal Insurance Agency offers commercial umbrella insurance and excess liability insurance that will protect your assets as well as your business should you be involved in a lawsuit.

Two men in business attire engaged in a conversation in Phoenix, AZ

What Protection Does Commercial Umbrella Liability Insurance & Excess Liability Coverage?

Any accident that occurs either off or on your business property can result in a major lawsuit. Here, we describe some of the most common situations where a policy for umbrella insurance or Excess Liability policies provide liability coverage above your underlying coverage for small businesses can protect your assets:

  • Slip and fall accidents on your property where you are liable
  • Invasion of privacy, slander, or libel where your business is responsible
  • Injury resulting from your products where you are liable
  • Employment practices liability violations where you are liable
  • Accidents involving your business where you are liable

How Much Is Enough for Commercial Umbrella or an Excess Liability Insurance Policy?

No matter what type of incident or accident you are affected by, lawsuits can become very expensive. So, your coverage needs will vary. At Ideal Insurance Agency, we assist our Glendale, Surprise, Peoria, Wickenburg, Goodyear, Buckeye, Avondale, Phoenix, Sun City, Sun City West, and Sun City Grand AZ clients so the customer has enough information of known exposures to make an informed decision in choosing the right type of coverage that will suit the specific needs of their business. At Ideal Insurance we of course want our clients to choose the correct limits so their business operation can be protected and secure at all times. Ask about a commercial umbrella policy or excess insurance policy from Ideal Insurance Agency. Ideal Insurance Agency offers insurance coverage throughout the state of Arizona and Colorado including Surprise, Glendale, Peoria, Avondale, Buckeye, Goodyear, Phoenix, Sun City, Sun City West, and Wickenburg Az. All insurance policies are subject to conditions, exclusions, and limitations

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